Understanding UV Systems: Sizing, Transmittance, and Monitoring

Have you ever wondered how UV systems function or how they are sized? It's a process that involves more intricacies than meets the eye. Typically, the sizing of UV systems is based on flow rate, but there's an overlooked factor: UV Transmittance. This is the percentage of ultraviolet light that can pass through water, influenced by various substances that aren't visible to the human eye, such as organic matter and heavy metals.

At WaterWise, we recognize the importance of accurately sized UV systems. If you're unsure whether your system is sized correctly, reach out to us today. Our competitive UVT analysis not only assesses UV Transmittance but also pinpoints the root cause of contamination, enabling more effective treatment strategies.

Monitoring the performance of your UV system is equally crucial. Ever wondered why UV lamps have a lifespan of only 12 months while your office lamp lasts for several years? It's not a mere ploy for profit. The narrow optimum wavelength for killing bacteria and the diminishing intensity over time necessitate this limited lifespan. Manufacturers can guarantee optimal output performance for only 12 months (formerly 6 months for older systems).

Since the emitted light falls within a non-visible spectrum, specialized equipment is necessary to assess the system's performance. WaterWise offers UV systems equipped with intensity monitoring. This feature ensures that your system operates at peak performance. Additionally, we provide fail-safe solutions to prevent contamination in case of lamp failure or changes in water quality.

Are you curious about our UV monitoring systems and how they can benefit your setup? Don't hesitate to inquire today. At WaterWise, we prioritize not just efficient systems, but your peace of mind regarding water quality and safety.

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