It is worth mentioning that we highly recommend the Klargester BioDisc as a Sewage Treatment solution. The system itself is among the most reliable on the market. However, as with anything mechanical, things can sometimes go wrong. In the event of a breakdown, Klargester tanks have a control panel that immediately identifies the fault so you can get it fixed as fast as possible.
Klargester BioDisc Sewage Treatment Systems bought prior to 2022 will have a Klargester Green Control Panel, while newer systems are supplied with a white Darcy control panel. The Klargester green control panel triggers a low voltage beacon to indicate any fault on the system. See below fault codes.
Klargester flashing light fault codes and what they mean.
F1 | No Power to the unit | Custom Fuse box | N/A |
F2 | The blower pressure has failed (PPFDS kit required) | N/A | N/A |
F3 | The high level alarm has activated (where fitted) | N/A | N/A |
F4 | The fuse box to the blower/motor has failed | F3 | 3.15 |
F5 | The fuse to the discharge pump (where fitted) has failed | F1 | 5.0 |
F6 | The fuse to the chemical dosing pump has failed | F4 | 0.25 |
F7 | The fuse to the recirculation pump has failed | F2 | 5.0 |
F8 | The loss of rotation alarm has been activated | N/A | N/A |
-- | The unit has had a fault which has now corrected itself | N/A | N/A |
If your Klargester system is serviced by a Klargester approved servicing engineer such as RA Dalton or PFS then they will be able to attend site to rectify the issue quickly. Servicing engineers check a number of components at each servicing visit, see below checks that should be made on a Klargester BioDisc system on regular intervals for general wear and tear, signs of misuse or any issues that would be covered by Klargester warranty.
- Motor/Gearbox
- Drive Chain
- Belt Drive
- Bottom Sprocket
- Bearings
- Loss of Rotation (LOR)
- High Level Float
- Integrated Pump System (IPS)
- Pump Function
- Grease and Fat build up
- Holding Chamber
- Air Lift / Air Diffusers
- Sludge Return Pump
- Centre Couplings
- Disc Conditions
- Bucket Operations
- Check tightness of U bolts & Clamps
- Grease Cartridges (Greasomatics)
- Condition of Covers
- Humus Sludge Zone
- Sanitary Products present in system
- Overall plant performance
- BioDisc Alarm / Buzzer / Flashing Light
- Chemical Dosing Pump
- Condition of Kiosk
If you have a problem with your Klargester BioDisc or other Klargester Tank, the Klargester flashing beacon light will flash. If the beacon light is continuously solid, this is an indication that there is a fault with the beacon itself.